Código fuente para yellowbrick.features.radviz

# yellowbrick.features.radviz
# Implements radviz for feature analysis.
# Author:   Benjamin Bengfort
# Created:  Fri Oct 07 13:18:00 2016 -0400
# Copyright (C) 2016 The scikit-yb developers
# For license information, see LICENSE.txt
# ID: radviz.py [0f4b236] benjamin@bengfort.com $

Implements radviz for feature analysis.

## Imports

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.patches as patches

from yellowbrick.draw import manual_legend
from yellowbrick.utils import is_dataframe
from yellowbrick.utils import nan_warnings
from yellowbrick.features.base import DataVisualizer

## Static RadViz Visualizer

[documentos]class RadialVisualizer(DataVisualizer): """ RadViz is a multivariate data visualization algorithm that plots each axis uniformely around the circumference of a circle then plots points on the interior of the circle such that the point normalizes its values on the axes from the center to each arc. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib Axes, default: None The axis to plot the figure on. If None is passed in the current axes will be used (or generated if required). features : list, default: None a list of feature names to use The names of the features specified by the columns of the input dataset. This length of this list must match the number of columns in X, otherwise an exception will be raised on ``fit()``. classes : list, default: None a list of class names for the legend The class labels for each class in y, ordered by sorted class index. These names act as a label encoder for the legend, identifying integer classes or renaming string labels. If omitted, the class labels will be taken from the unique values in y. Note that the length of this list must match the number of unique values in y, otherwise an exception is raised. This parameter is only used in the discrete target type case and is ignored otherwise. colors : list or tuple, default: None optional list or tuple of colors to colorize lines A single color to plot all instances as or a list of colors to color each instance according to its class. If not enough colors per class are specified then the colors are treated as a cycle. colormap : string or cmap, default: None optional string or matplotlib cmap to colorize lines The colormap used to create the individual colors. If classes are specified the colormap is used to evenly space colors across each class. alpha : float, default: 1.0 Specify a transparency where 1 is completely opaque and 0 is completely transparent. This property makes densely clustered points more visible. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that are passed to the base class and may influence the visualization as defined in other Visualizers. Examples -------- >>> visualizer = RadViz() >>> visualizer.fit(X, y) >>> visualizer.transform(X) >>> visualizer.show() Attributes ---------- features_ : ndarray, shape (n_features,) The names of the features discovered or used in the visualizer that can be used as an index to access or modify data in X. If a user passes feature names in, those features are used. Otherwise the columns of a DataFrame are used or just simply the indices of the data array. classes_ : ndarray, shape (n_classes,) The class labels that define the discrete values in the target. Only available if the target type is discrete. This is guaranteed to be strings even if the classes are a different type. """ def __init__( self, ax=None, features=None, classes=None, colors=None, colormap=None, alpha=1.0, **kwargs ): if "target_type" not in kwargs: kwargs["target_type"] = "discrete" super(RadialVisualizer, self).__init__( ax=ax, features=features, classes=classes, colors=colors, colormap=colormap, **kwargs ) self.alpha = alpha
[documentos] @staticmethod def normalize(X): """ MinMax normalization to fit a matrix in the space [0,1] by column. """ a = X.min(axis=0) b = X.max(axis=0) return (X - a[np.newaxis, :]) / ((b - a)[np.newaxis, :])
[documentos] def fit(self, X, y=None, **kwargs): """ The fit method is the primary drawing input for the visualization since it has both the X and y data required for the viz and the transform method does not. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray or DataFrame of shape n x m A matrix of n instances with m features y : ndarray or Series of length n An array or series of target or class values kwargs : dict Pass generic arguments to the drawing method Returns ------- self : instance Returns the instance of the transformer/visualizer """ super(RadialVisualizer, self).fit(X, y) self.draw(X, y, **kwargs) return self
[documentos] def draw(self, X, y, **kwargs): """ Called from the fit method, this method creates the radviz canvas and draws each instance as a class or target colored point, whose location is determined by the feature data set. """ # Convert from dataframe if is_dataframe(X): X = X.values # Clean out nans and warn that the user they aren't plotted nan_warnings.warn_if_nans_exist(X) X, y = nan_warnings.filter_missing(X, y) # Get the shape of the data nrows, ncols = X.shape # Set the axes limits self.ax.set_xlim([-1, 1]) self.ax.set_ylim([-1, 1]) # Create a data structure to hold scatter plot representations to_plot = {label: [[], []] for label in self.classes_} # Compute the arcs around the circumference for each feature axis # TODO: make this an independent function for override s = np.array( [ (np.cos(t), np.sin(t)) for t in [2.0 * np.pi * (i / float(ncols)) for i in range(ncols)] ] ) # Compute the locations of the scatter plot for each class # Normalize the data first to plot along the 0, 1 axis for i, row in enumerate(self.normalize(X)): row_ = np.repeat(np.expand_dims(row, axis=1), 2, axis=1) xy = (s * row_).sum(axis=0) / row.sum() label = self._label_encoder[y[i]] to_plot[label][0].append(xy[0]) to_plot[label][1].append(xy[1]) # Add the scatter plots from the to_plot function # TODO: store these plots to add more instances to later # TODO: make this a separate function for label in self.classes_: color = self.get_colors([label])[0] self.ax.scatter( to_plot[label][0], to_plot[label][1], color=color, label=label, alpha=self.alpha, **kwargs ) # Add the circular axis path # TODO: Make this a seperate function (along with labeling) self.ax.add_patch( patches.Circle( (0.0, 0.0), radius=1.0, facecolor="none", edgecolor="grey", linewidth=0.5, ) ) # Add the feature names for xy, name in zip(s, self.features_): # Add the patch indicating the location of the axis self.ax.add_patch(patches.Circle(xy, radius=0.025, facecolor="#777777")) # Add the feature names offset around the axis marker if xy[0] < 0.0 and xy[1] < 0.0: self.ax.text( xy[0] - 0.025, xy[1] - 0.025, name, ha="right", va="top", size="small", ) elif xy[0] < 0.0 and xy[1] >= 0.0: self.ax.text( xy[0] - 0.025, xy[1] + 0.025, name, ha="right", va="bottom", size="small", ) elif xy[0] >= 0.0 and xy[1] < 0.0: self.ax.text( xy[0] + 0.025, xy[1] - 0.025, name, ha="left", va="top", size="small", ) elif xy[0] >= 0.0 and xy[1] >= 0.0: self.ax.text( xy[0] + 0.025, xy[1] + 0.025, name, ha="left", va="bottom", size="small", ) self.ax.axis("equal") return self.ax
[documentos] def finalize(self, **kwargs): """ Sets the title and adds a legend. Removes the ticks from the graph to make a cleaner visualization. Parameters ---------- kwargs: generic keyword arguments. Notes ----- Generally this method is called from show and not directly by the user. """ # Set the title self.set_title("RadViz for {} Features".format(len(self.features_))) # Remove the ticks from the graph self.ax.set_yticks([]) self.ax.set_xticks([]) # Add the legend colors = self.get_colors(self.classes_) manual_legend(self, self.classes_, colors, loc="best")
########################################################################## ## Quick Method ##########################################################################
[documentos]def radviz( X, y=None, ax=None, features=None, classes=None, colors=None, colormap=None, alpha=1.0, show=True, **kwargs ): """ Displays each feature as an axis around a circle surrounding a scatter plot whose points are each individual instance. This helper function is a quick wrapper to utilize the RadialVisualizer (Transformer) for one-off analysis. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray or DataFrame of shape n x m A matrix of n instances with m features y : ndarray or Series of length n, default:None An array or series of target or class values ax : matplotlib Axes, default: None The axes to plot the figure on. features : list of strings, default: None The names of the features or columns classes : list of strings, default: None The names of the classes in the target colors : list or tuple of colors, default: None Specify the colors for each individual class colormap : string or matplotlib cmap, default: None Sequential colormap for continuous target alpha : float, default: 1.0 Specify a transparency where 1 is completely opaque and 0 is completely transparent. This property makes densely clustered points more visible. show: bool, default: True If True, calls ``show()``, which in turn calls ``plt.show()`` however you cannot call ``plt.savefig`` from this signature, nor ``clear_figure``. If False, simply calls ``finalize()`` kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to the visualizer base classes. Returns ------- viz : RadViz Returns the fitted, finalized visualizer """ # Instantiate the visualizer visualizer = RadialVisualizer( ax=ax, features=features, classes=classes, colors=colors, colormap=colormap, alpha=alpha, **kwargs ) # Fit and transform the visualizer (calls draw) visualizer.fit(X, y, **kwargs) visualizer.transform(X) if show: visualizer.show() else: visualizer.finalize() # Return the visualizer object return visualizer
# Alias for RadViz RadViz = RadialVisualizer