Código fuente para yellowbrick.target.binning

# yellowbrick.target.binning
# Implementations of histogram with vertical lines to help with balanced binning.
# Author:   Juan L. Kehoe
# Author:   Prema Damodaran Roman

# Created:  Tue Mar 13 19:50:54 2018 -0400
# Copyright (C) 2018 The scikit-yb developers
# For license information, see LICENSE.txt
# ID: binning.py

Implements histogram with vertical lines to help with balanced binning.

# Imports
import numpy as np

from yellowbrick.target.base import TargetVisualizer
from yellowbrick.exceptions import YellowbrickValueError

# Balanced Binning Reference

[documentos]class BalancedBinningReference(TargetVisualizer): """ BalancedBinningReference generates a histogram with vertical lines showing the recommended value point to bin your data so they can be evenly distributed in each bin. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib Axes, default: None This is inherited from FeatureVisualizer and is defined within ``BalancedBinningReference``. target : string, default: "y" The name of the ``y`` variable bins : number of bins to generate the histogram, default: 4 kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that are passed to the base class and may influence the visualization as defined in other Visualizers. Attributes ---------- bin_edges_ : binning reference values Examples -------- >>> visualizer = BalancedBinningReference() >>> visualizer.fit(y) >>> visualizer.show() Notes ----- These parameters can be influenced later on in the visualization process, but can and should be set as early as possible. """ def __init__(self, ax=None, target=None, bins=4, **kwargs): super(BalancedBinningReference, self).__init__(ax, **kwargs) self.target = target self.bins = bins
[documentos] def draw(self, y, **kwargs): """ Draws a histogram with the reference value for binning as vertical lines. Parameters ---------- y : an array of one dimension or a pandas Series """ # draw the histogram hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(y, bins=self.bins) self.bin_edges_ = bin_edges self.ax.hist(y, bins=self.bins, color=kwargs.pop("color", "#6897bb"), **kwargs) # add vertical line with binning reference values self.ax.vlines(bin_edges, 0, max(hist), colors=kwargs.pop("colors", "r")) return self.ax
[documentos] def fit(self, y, **kwargs): """ Sets up y for the histogram and checks to ensure that ``y`` is of the correct data type. Fit calls draw. Parameters ---------- y : an array of one dimension or a pandas Series kwargs : dict keyword arguments passed to scikit-learn API. """ # throw an error if y has more than 1 column if y.ndim > 1: raise YellowbrickValueError( "y needs to be an array or Series with one dimension" ) # Handle the target name if it is None. if self.target is None: self.target = "y" self.draw(y) return self
[documentos] def finalize(self, **kwargs): """ Adds the x-axis label and manages the tick labels to ensure they're visible. Parameters ---------- kwargs: generic keyword arguments. Notes ----- Generally this method is called from show and not directly by the user. """ self.ax.set_xlabel(self.target) for tk in self.ax.get_xticklabels(): tk.set_visible(True) for tk in self.ax.get_yticklabels(): tk.set_visible(True)
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[documentos]def balanced_binning_reference(y, ax=None, target="y", bins=4, show=True, **kwargs): """ BalancedBinningReference generates a histogram with vertical lines showing the recommended value point to bin your data so they can be evenly distributed in each bin. Parameters ---------- y : an array of one dimension or a pandas Series ax : matplotlib Axes, default: None This is inherited from FeatureVisualizer and is defined within ``BalancedBinningReference``. target : string, default: "y" The name of the ``y`` variable bins : number of bins to generate the histogram, default: 4 show : bool, default: True If True, calls ``show()``, which in turn calls ``plt.show()``. However, you cannot call ``plt.savefig`` from this signature, nor ``clear_figure``. If False, simply calls ``finalize()``. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that are passed to the base class and may influence the visualization as defined in other Visualizers. Returns ------- visualizer : BalancedBinningReference Returns fitted visualizer """ # Initialize the visualizer visualizer = BalancedBinningReference(ax=ax, bins=bins, target=target, **kwargs) # Fit and show the visualizer visualizer.fit(y) if show: visualizer.show() else: visualizer.finalize() return visualizer