Código fuente para yellowbrick.text.correlation

# yellowbrick.text.correlation
# Implementation of word correlation for text visualization.
# Author:   Patrick Deziel
# Created:  Sun May 1 19:43:41 2022 -0600
# Copyright (C) 2022 The scikit-yb developers
# For license information, see LICENSE.txt
# ID: correlation.py [b652fc9] deziel.patrick@gmail.com $

Implementation of word correlation for text visualization.

## Imports

import numpy as np

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer

from yellowbrick.style import find_text_color
from yellowbrick.text.base import TextVisualizer
from yellowbrick.style.palettes import color_sequence
from yellowbrick.exceptions import YellowbrickValueError

## Word Correlation Plot Visualizer

[documentos]class WordCorrelationPlot(TextVisualizer): """ Word correlation illustrates the extent to which words in a corpus appear in the same documents. WordCorrelationPlot visualizes the binary correlation between words across documents as a heatmap. The correlation is defined using the mean square contingency coefficient (phi-coefficient) between any two words m and n. The coefficient is a value between -1 and 1, inclusive. A value close to 1 or -1 indicates strong positive or negative correlation between m and n, while a value close to 0 indicates little or no correlation. The constructor takes one required argument, which is the list of words or n-grams to be plotted. Parameters ---------- words : list of str The list of words or n-grams to be plotted. The words must be present in the provided corpus on fit(). ignore_case : bool, default: False If True, all words will be converted to lowercase before processing. ax : matplotlib Axes, default: None The axes to plot the figure on. cmap : str or cmap, default: "RdYlBu" Colormap to use for the heatmap. colorbar : bool, default: True If True, a colorbar will be added to the heatmap. fontsize : int, default: None Font size to use for the labels on the axes. kwargs : dict Pass any additional keyword arguments to the super class. Attributes ---------- self.doc_term_matrix_ : array of shape (n_docs, n_features) The computed sparse document-term matrix containing binary values indicating if a word is present in a document. self.num_docs_ : int The number of observed documents in the corpus. self.vocab_ : dict A dictionary mapping words to their indices in the document-term matrix. self.num_features_ : int The number of features (word labels) in the resulting plot. self.correlation_matrix_ : ndarray of shape (n_features, n_features) The computed matrix containing the phi-coefficients between all features. """ def __init__( self, words, ignore_case=False, ax=None, cmap="RdYlBu", colorbar=True, fontsize=None, **kwargs ): super(WordCorrelationPlot, self).__init__(ax=ax, **kwargs) # Visual parameters self.fontsize = fontsize self.colorbar = colorbar self.cmap = color_sequence(cmap) # Fitting parameters self.ignore_case = ignore_case self.words = self._construct_terms(words, ignore_case) self.ngram_range = self._compute_ngram_range() def _construct_terms(self, words, ignore_case): """ Constructs the list of terms to be plotted based on the provided words. This performs input checking and removes duplicates to produce a list of valid words for fitting. """ # Remove surrounding whitespace terms = [word.strip() for word in words if len(word.strip()) > 0] if len(terms) == 0: raise YellowbrickValueError("Must provide at least one word to plot.") # Convert to lowercase if ignore_case is set if ignore_case: terms = [word.lower() for word in terms] # Sort and remove duplicates return sorted(set(terms)) def _compute_ngram_range(self): """ Computes the n-gram range to use for vectorization based on the provided words. This allows the user to specify multi-word terms for plotting. """ ngrams = [len(word.split()) for word in self.words] return (min(ngrams), max(ngrams)) def _compute_coefficient(self, m, n): """ Computes the phi-coefficient for two words m and n, which is a correlation value between -1 and 1 inclusive. """ m_col = self.doc_term_matrix_.getcol(self.vocab_[m]) n_col = self.doc_term_matrix_.getcol(self.vocab_[n]) both = m_col.multiply(n_col).sum() m_total = m_col.sum() n_total = n_col.sum() only_m = m_total - both only_n = n_total - both neither = self.num_docs_ - both - only_m - only_n return ((both * neither) - (only_m * only_n)) / np.sqrt(m_total * n_total * (self.num_docs_ - m_total) * (self.num_docs_ - n_total))
[documentos] def fit(self, X, y=None): """ The fit method is the primary drawing input for the word correlation visualization. Parameters ---------- X : list of str or generator Should be provided as a list of strings or a generator yielding strings that represent the documents in the corpus. y : None Labels are not used for the word correlation visualization. Returns ------- self: instance Returns the instance of the transformer/visualizer. Attributes ---------- self.doc_term_matrix_ : array of shape (n_docs, n_features) The computed sparse document-term matrix containing binary values indicating if a word is present in a document. self.num_docs_ : int The number of observed documents in the corpus. self.vocab_ : dict A dictionary mapping words to their indices in the document-term matrix. self.num_features_ : int The number of features (word labels) in the resulting plot. self.correlation_matrix_ : ndarray of shape (n_features, n_features) The computed matrix containing the phi-coefficients between all features. """ # Instantiate the CountVectorizer vecs = CountVectorizer( vocabulary=self.words, lowercase=self.ignore_case, ngram_range=self.ngram_range, binary=True ) # Get the binary document counts for the target words self.doc_term_matrix_ = vecs.fit_transform(X) self.num_docs_ = self.doc_term_matrix_.shape[0] self.vocab_ = vecs.vocabulary_ # Verify that all target words exist in the corpus for word in self.words: if self.doc_term_matrix_.getcol(self.vocab_[word]).sum() == 0: raise YellowbrickValueError("Word '{}' does not exist in the corpus.".format(word)) # Compute the phi-coefficient for each pair of words self.num_features_ = len(self.words) self.correlation_matrix_ = np.zeros((self.num_features_, self.num_features_)) for i, m in enumerate(self.words): for j, n in enumerate(self.words): self.correlation_matrix_[i, j] = self._compute_coefficient(m, n) self.draw(X) return self
[documentos] def draw(self, X): """ Called from the fit() method, this metod draws the heatmap on the figure using the computed correlation matrix. """ # Use correlation matrix data for the heatmap wc_display = self.correlation_matrix_ # Set up the dimensions of the pcolormesh X, Y = np.arange(self.num_features_ + 1), np.arange(self.num_features_ + 1) self.ax.set_ylim(bottom=0, top=wc_display.shape[0]) self.ax.set_xlim(left=0, right=wc_display.shape[1]) # Set the words as the tick labels on the plot. The Y-axis is sorted from top # to bottom, the X-axis is sorted from left to right. xticklabels = self.words yticklabels = self.words[::-1] ticks = np.arange(self.num_features_) + 0.5 self.ax.set(xticks=ticks, yticks=ticks) self.ax.set_xticklabels(xticklabels, rotation="vertical", fontsize=self.fontsize) self.ax.set_yticklabels(yticklabels, fontsize=self.fontsize) # Flip the Y-axis values so that they match the sorted labels wc_display = np.flipud(wc_display) # Draw the labels in each heatmap cell for x in X[:-1]: for y in Y[:-1]: # Get the correlation value for the cell value = wc_display[x, y] svalue = "{:.2f}".format(value) # Get a compatible text color for the cell base_color = self.cmap(value / 2 + 0.5) text_color = find_text_color(base_color) # Draw the text at the center of the cell # Note: x and y coordinates are swapped to match the pcolormesh cx, cy = y + 0.5, x + 0.5 self.ax.text(cx, cy, svalue, va="center", ha="center", color=text_color, fontsize=self.fontsize) # Draw the heatmap g = self.ax.pcolormesh(X, Y, wc_display, cmap=self.cmap, vmin=-1, vmax=1) # Add the color bar if self.colorbar: self.ax.figure.colorbar(g, ax=self.ax) return self.ax
[documentos] def finalize(self): """ Prepares the figure for rendering by adding the title. This method is usually called from show() and not directly by the user. """ self.set_title("Word Correlation Plot") self.fig.tight_layout()
########################################################################## ## Quick Method ##########################################################################
[documentos]def word_correlation( words, corpus, ignore_case=True, ax=None, cmap="RdYlBu", show=True, colorbar=True, fontsize=None, **kwargs ): """Word Correlation Displays the binary correlation between the given words across the documents in a corpus. For a list of words with length n, this produces an n x n heatmap of correlation values in the range [-1, 1]. Parameters ---------- words : list of str The corpus words to display in the heatmap. corpus : list of str or generator The corpus as a list of documents or a generator yielding documents. ignore_case : bool, default: True If True, all words will be converted to lowercase before proessing. ax : matplotlib axes, default: None The axes to plot the figure on. cmap : str, default: "RdYlBu" Colormap to use for the heatmap. show : bool, default: True If True, calls ``show()``, which in turn calls ``plt.show()`` however you cannot call ``plt.savefig`` from this signature, nor ``clear_figure``. If False, simply calls ``finalize()`` colorbar : bool, default: True If True, adds a colorbar to the figure. fontsize : int, default: None If not None, sets the font size of the labels. """ # Instantiate the visualizer visualizer = WordCorrelationPlot( words=words, lowercase=ignore_case, ax=ax, cmap=cmap, colorbar=colorbar, fontsize=fontsize, **kwargs ) # Fit and transform the visualizer (calls draw) visualizer.fit(corpus) # Draw the final visualization if show: visualizer.show() else: visualizer.finalize() # Return the visualizer return visualizer